Thursday, April 22, 2010

Now my happiness is complete

I'm going to become a father!!

You can't start to imagine how happy I am. Finally life begins to have a meaning; I'm happily married to the woman I love, I'm studying what I like most (Translation and Interpreting) and now the circle of life is complete (insert The Lion King soundtrack here). A new generation is on the way, and I'm proud to be responsible for it.

In fact, I'm not yet fully aware of the importance of this event; for the moment I'm just happy and proud. Once the child is born and takes a liking to breaking into crying in the small hours of the night, I'm afraid I'll be brought back to reality with a bump :) Hopefully it'll be a quiet baby; I'll keep my fingers crossed...

I just can't wait to hold the baby in my arms! In about a month, we'll know whether we're having a boy or a girl; I'll keep you up to date!


  1. You don't have an idea of where you have stuck yourself, do you?

    Sigh, poor guy.

  2. WOW!!! When you said me that medical prove you went a few days ago...I don't know what to say to you XD you leave me a little bit K.O.

    Well, congratulations!!! xD When your little boy/girl grow, I'll turn him/her a Otaku Muajajajajajaja or a trekkie ( worst than otaku I think) xDDDD

    I'm happy for you ^^

  3. Thank you very much :)

    PS. What is an Otaku? I'm scared...
