I love autumn. The hours of daylight are fewer than in summer, but every day you are rewarded with a different and amazing sunset...
The trees turn red, orange, yellow, brown or any other colour in between; if you're lucky enough to have a walk in the wild on this season (much better if you keep close to a riverside, where you're more likely to find this kind of trees), you'll agree with me that there's nothing like autumn landscapes. I turn green with envy every time I see on TV one of those documentaries about beech forests! I get that magical feeling if I picture myself walking under those majestic trees, with patches of sunlight here and there, and making little crunching noises as I step on the dead leaves...
On these days, the wind makes its appearance more often than not (to the dismay of street sweepers. I guess they don't share my affinity towards this season), and I find it most charming (as long as it doesn't blow wildly, of course). A light breeze rustling the few leaves remaining on the trees, the sky set ablaze with red, orange and purple, and the faint smell of a wood stove... that really makes my day. I love autumn.
I hate autumm....¬¬
ReplyDeletewinter FTW